In this award-winning short film, a cosmic potato is heading straight for the city of Mibukiville, and only Miikshi can stop it!
Daniel the Spaniel moves into Miikshi's apartment, the suspicious Dr. Tiger Mercer steals an experiment, and eerie power outages plague Mibukiville...
When Mibukiville's underwater tunnel is threatened by geological disaster, Miikshi must save the city before it's too late. Produced in partnership with the University of Tokyo and MUOGRAPHIX.
With special guest voice Mat from Techmoan!
Trapped inside a volcano, Miikshi and Chickelyna must outsmart a pair of otter musicians in order to escape before it erupts. Produced in partnership with the University of Tokyo and MUOGRAPHIX.
With special guest voices Norman Chan (from Tested), Seán Ferrick (from TrekCulture) and Techmoan!
"Miikshi" created by Gazelle Automations.
© Shaftesbury Sales Company, a division of Shaftesbury Inc. Used with permission.